Thursday, September 3, 2020

Interpreting New Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Deciphering New Media - Essay Example As the paper focuses on the huge commitment of Twitter towards resident news coverage is certain. Stages, for example, Twitter have become wellsprings of data that can be viewed as ‘world changing’ and picking up authenticity and regard in the arrangement of up-to-minute news. With expanded remote network and quick utilization of current innovation, cell phones have become a methods for information move frameworks and convenient advanced media creation. The move has come about to increment in some resident writers who are likewise onlooker reports. As indicated by the exposition discoveries resident news-casting on Twitter stages is additionally testing the training and picture of news coverage in that general society is not, at this point exclusively relying upon columnists to offer exact reports. In the ongoing inclusion of Hurricane Sandy in the United States of America, Live observer messages were in a split second transferred web based sharing the consequences of the catastrophic events from an abstract perspective. Despite the fact that these are legitimate portrayals of the individual news report, they need structure, shape, and expert editorial significance. Twitter has assumed a significant job in resident news-casting. Resident news coverage has increased a lot of essentialness through its consideration and fuse in broad communications report bundles and has prompted a rebuilding and re-assessment on how writers organize. Present day innovation has changed and changed news coverage as a calling.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Synthesis of 7.7-Dichlorobicyclo [4.1.0]Heptane †Phase Transfer Catalysis Essay Example

Amalgamation of 7.7 Amalgamation of 7.7-Dichlorobicyclo [4.1.0]Heptane †Phase Transfer Catalysis Paper Amalgamation of 7.7-Dichlorobicyclo [4.1.0]Heptane †Phase Transfer Catalysis Paper Conceptual The readiness of 7. 7-dichlorobicyclo [4. 1. 0]heptane which is otherwise called 7,7-dichloronorcarane was finished by responding cyclohexene , chloroform and a base( half fluid sodium hydroxide) with benzyl triethylammonium chloride. The last being a water dissolvable stage move impetus (PTC). response was performed at room temperature and was refined at air pressure. The component of activity of the previously mentioned PTC is depicted in the content alongside the instrument for the expansion of a dichlorocarbene. The rate yield got was 38. 0%. This is impressively low because of a deplorable spillage of the item at the phase of semi-smaller scale refining. Presentation Phase move impetuses (PCT) are utilized to catalyze responses including synthetic species which are available in various stages. These sorts of responses are known as a homogeneous two stage responses and are generally exceptionally moderate in light of the fact that the two essential reactants (for this situation CHCl3 and NaOH) are in various stages. The response catalyzed in this trial is the expansion of a dichlorocarbene to cyclohexene. The dichlorocarbene should initially be produced in arrangement and this is finished utilizing the solid base, half watery sodium hydroxide, with the guide of the PTC. The benzyl triethylammonium chloride (PTC in this trial) fills in as a transporter of OH particles which separate from sodium, from the watery stage to the natural stage where chloroform is available. The response between OH particles and chloroform would then be able to continue to create the dichlorocarbene which at that point responds with cyclohexene to deliver the ideal item. The separation of NaOH and the resulting moving response between the PTC and OH particle is represented beneath. Beforehand, writing reports portraying the age of a dichlorocarbene frequently have low yields because of the response been directed under severe anhydrous conditions. The purpose behind these conditions is on the grounds that once a dichlorocarbene is created in a fluid arrangement, it promptly experiences hydrolysis to yield undesired items (see responses an and b underneath). 2 These side responses are stayed away from when the response is completed in a biphase framework within the sight of concentrated NaOH and a quartenary ammonium PTC. The viability of this technique was first shown by Makosza and came about in quite a while of 7. - dichlorobicyclo [4. 1. 0]heptane. 2 Results Preparation of 7. 7-dichlorobicyclo [4. 1. 0]heptane Cyclohexene Chloroform Mass: 2 . 05 grams Volume: 10 ml Molecular Weight: 82. 08 g/mol Density: 1. 49g/ml Melting point: 104 oC Molecular Weight: Amount: 0. 0249 mol Amount: 0. 13 mol Cyclohexene and Cloroform respond in a 1: 1 stochiometric proportion subsequently cyclohexene is plainly the restricting reagent in this response. Accordingly the most extreme measure of 7. 7-dichlorobicyclo [4. 1. 0]heptane that can be framed is 0. 249 mol. 7. 7-dichlorobicyclo [4. 1. 0]heptane Mass: 1. 58 g Molecular Weight: 163. 04 g/mol Boiling point: 180-190 degrees Celsius Amount: 0. 0096 mol Percentage Yield = real measure of item/hypothetical measure of item = 1. 58 g/4. 072g x 100 = 38. 80% Discussion The amalgamation of the ideal item (7. 7-dichlorobicyclo [4. 1. 0]heptane)was got by following the test methodology cautiously yet because of awful conditions during the genuine pragmatic, a portion of the item was lost by spillage at the phase of semi-miniaturized scale refining. Hence the real yield of item recuperated hushed up low which brought about a last rate yield of just 38. 80%. In any case the remainder of the analysis was done with however much exactness as could reasonably be expected. After the expansion of the considerable number of reactants, the response flagon was set under reflux, warmed and mixed overwhelmingly for 40 minutes. It was important to mix the response strongly to guarantee that the natural and watery layer in the response jar is all around blended, thus advancing mass exchange of the OH particle to the Chloroform atom at the stage interface. The fiery mixing likewise expands the choppiness in the response cup which encourages impacts between the essential reactants. This is required for the response to happen at an ideal rate. Henceforth, the rate constants of the response speed up increments. On the off chance that the response blend was not mixed at high speeds, the response won't continue to yield greatest item in the given time and will bring about low rate yields. It was during this blending time that the activity of the PTC is critical. The instrument of activity of the PTC is delineated and clarified beneath. The base utilized in this response is a solid one (NaOH) which separated totally in the watery stage to give an abundance of OH particles which is required for the age of the dichlorocarbene in the natural stage. As observed above, benzyl triethylammonium chloride experiences a nucleophillic replacement with NaOH. The hydroxyl bunch from the base dislodges the chloride bunch on the PTC which brings about the development of a quaternary ammonium hydroxide. The PTC is currently ready to move the OH particle to the natural stage where it can respond with chloroform. The three stage component portraying the development of 7. 7-dichlorobicyclo [4. 1. ]heptane is shown and clarified underneath. In sync one, the hydroxyl bunch moved into the natural layer by means of the PTC deprotonates the chloroform particle to frame water. The water along these lines moves into the fluid layer keeping the water content in the natural layer low. This is significant since a gathering of water can bring ab out undesired responses between chloroform or carbine with water. These responses (an and b) are delineated beneath. 3 Deprotonation of chloroform brings about the development of a trichloromethide anion. 2 . It follows that this anion at that point gradually discharges a chloride gathering to frame the dichlorocarbene (system 2). Here the PTC can likewise move the chloride particles back to the fluid stage through a base-initiated ? - end. The carbine at that point assaults the twofold obligation of cyclohexene to at long last produce 7. 7-dichlorobicyclo [4. 1. 0]heptane. An Infrared and Gas chromatography examination was done on the item for ID purposes. The IR spectra were examined and the C-Cl bond was distinguished in the locale 580-785 cm-1. The sp3 hybridized C-H bonds were recognized in the locale just beneath 3000cm-1. CH2 twisting and extending tops were distinguished in the locale 1250-1465cm-1. The gas chromatogram had two pinnacles and this could be because of the chance of acquiring a tainted item. These spectra are appended toward the finish of this report. End The blend of 7. 7-dichlorobicyclo [4. 1. 0]heptane accomplished in a sensible span of time with the guide of the stage move impetus, benzyl triethylammonium chloride which encouraged the age of the dichlorocabene which responded with hexane to create the ideal item. The rate yield anyway was low (38. 80%) because of lost item at the last refining step. Trial Synthesis of 7. 7-dichlorobicyclo [4. 1. 0]heptane Cyclohexene (2. 5g), chloroform (10. 00ml) and benzyl triethylammonium chloride (0. 26g) was put in a 100ml brisk fit cone shaped flagon. To the carafe, 10ml of half fluid NaOH was included utilizing an expansion pipe. A reflux condenser and a dropping channel were then set up over the cup. 1ml of half fluid NaOH was filled the option pipe and was added to the response blend. The response flagon was then delic ately warmed and overwhelmingly blended over a warmer/stirrer unit with the guide of an attractive stirrer. The rest of fluid NaOH arrangement was then included drop astute throughout the following 20 minutes while the response blend was to refluxing. After the expansion was finished the blend was left to reflux for a further 40minutes. At the point when the holding up period had passed, 15 ml of soaked sodium chloride and 15ml of hexane was gradually added to the response blend. The blend was then moved to an isolating pipe and the lower watery layer was isolated and disposed of. The natural layer was washed with two segments 25 ml of deionised water and was dried with anhydrous magnesium sulfate. A refining mechanical assembly was set up and the solvents from the got natural layer were refined dry utilizing a steam shower. The distillate was then disposed of and the staying fluid was moved to semi smaller scale refining mechanical assembly where the item was refined utilized a Bunsen burner. The item was then gauged and the % yield was determined. References IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology , second Edition (1997) Thayilekannu Balakrishnan and J. Paul Jayachandran, CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS ,1995, 208, Charles M. Starks, Charles Leonard Liotta, Medical, 1994, 232, 668 Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman, George S, Organic Laboratory, 2004, 1028 Mieczyslaw Makosza,Pure Appl. Chem. , 2000, Vol. 72, No. 7, pp. 1399â€1403.

Friday, August 21, 2020

My Antonia and Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

My Antonia and Huckleberry Finn Essay Characters from different books that could conceivably have anything to do with each other can be comparable and diverse from multiple points of view. Huckleberry Finn from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, and Antonia Shimerda from My Antonia by Willa Cather are comparable in an assortment of ways, anyway they have significant contrasts. Huckleberry Finn is constantly all set on an experience with his closest companion Tom Sawyer. Likewise, the pair are amazingly odd. Huck is victimized for a heap of reasons. Some being, he is the child of the town alcoholic, so the grown-ups disapprove of him. As a result of his father’s way of life he is essentially a vagrant, he needs to locate his own food, garments, and a spot to rest. He additionally doesn't go to chapel or school. Inverse to that, the young men of the town begrudge him for his opportunity and absence of control. The Widow Douglass who lives around offers Huck a spot to remain. She says he can live in her home, and with the cash from the fortune he and Tom discovered she would have the option to help him. Tom urged Huck to exploit this offer while he could. This was a hard choice for Huck to make since he isn't eager to surrender his freedom that he is acquainted with. He lives with the widow for a brief timeframe then chooses he appreciates being all alone and is happy to confront the hardships of life without anyone else to keep up his opportunity. Antonia Shimerda is very liberal and hopeful. Through the hardships of moving to America from Bohemia, her dad ending it all, and her life partner leaving her before they get hitched, and right now she is pregnant, she never looses trust. She searches for the best in each circumstance and attempts to discover an answer for everything. Ordinary she needs to confront racial and sexual orientation separation. She is judged mercilessly by the townspeople on account of her adoration for move. Her and her family, which presently comprises of her mom, siblings and sisters, need to confront the challenges of life after the passing of their dad alongside the troubles of living in another nation. Her and her family are living in destitution, and are making a decent attempt just to endure. Afterward, Antonia fills in as a hireling. Her supervisor doesn't care for her propensity for going to the moves she appreciates going to. He takes steps to fire her in the event that she keeps on going to these moves. She adores her autonomy a lot to let somebody remove it. So she works for a merciless chief and endures so she can have her freedom and go to her moves. Huckleberry Finn and Antonia Shimerda have numerous similitudes and contrasts. They have totally different attributes, anyway the two of them face numerous hardships, separation every day, and the two of them esteem their freedom a great deal that they would prefer to live more earnestly lives so they can be autonomous.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Ivy Statistics

Ivy Statistics June 30 Ivy Coach keeps the most thorough dataset of Ivy League admission statistics that youll find anywhere. Interested in perusing Ivy League statistics  over the last several years? Well, weve got them all for you. Nowhere will you find a more complete dataset and analysis of Ivy statistics over the years than right here on Ivy Coachs website. Read about the Ivy League admissions statistics for the Classes of 2018, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, and 2007. Read how an Ivy League colleges  admission rate has decreased  over these years or learn how the percentage of students admitted via an Early policy has changed. This year, Brown had a 8.6% overall acceptance rate. Columbias equivalent statistic stood at 7.0%. Cornell? 14.0%. Dartmouths stood at 11.5%. Harvard? 5.9%. Penn? 9.9%. Princetons stood at 7.3%, while Yales stood at 6.3%. But these numbers only tell part of the story. Isnt it important to know what percentage of an incoming class at an Ivy League school was admitted via an Early policy as opposed to during Regular Decision? One would think so! Read about the percentage of first-generation college students in the incoming class at Dartmouth or about the percentage of Latinos in Princetons incoming class. This is important data to mine as you navigate the highly selective college admissions process. Knowledge is power and these statistics paint a story of the admissions process that youll find educational. So peruse the stats and dont just look through this years stats. Maybe there was an anomaly. Go through the data over years. Thatll give you a better sense of the dataset.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Physical Geography of the North East - 2551 Words

Project 1: My Physical Geography My name is Thomas and I Study Journalism at Uconn. What makes me unique is that I play the didgeridoo. What I would like to get out of taking this class is a better understanding of what the world is made of and how people live in there part of the globe. I am from Bedford, New York. Bedford is about an hour north of New York City. 2. Weather and Climate: Bedford New York is located in North Eastern United States. The average temperature there is around 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer and around 25 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the winter. Bedford is located further inland than most other locations so temperatures do fluctuate, because of its distance from major oceans. Bedford†¦show more content†¦We receive enough precipitation that allows us to store water in reservoirs that can last year round. The local area and surrounding towns contain several lakes which provide water for NYC and its boroughs. It is a rich surrounding in Bedford, that is largely rural, filled with deciduous trees making up small forests. I remember one year we grew pine trees, in the back yard, and I distinctly remember one Christmas going out and actually lopping off the top of one of those trees to put inside. This leads me to describe the area as relatively wooded, area that does show clear signs of human development there, but nothin g as great as an urban center, but more just a light infrastructure. 3. Biogeography and soils If I haven t already in subsequent chapters let me dive into the biological geography in this next paragraph. Bedford is a series of hardwood forests, followed by open grasses that are maintained by man. There does though leave a large amount of natural vegetation and wildlife. Bedford has mostly hardwood deciduous forests surrounding it. The ample amount of rain and the short winters allow for these forests to take place. The wildlife though, much like the forests are not of much noticeable variety, we don t have any large predators living near us, such as wolves, or coyotes. In fact I don t ever hear about bear sightings either. The most common animals that I see are the squirrels and the deer population. Granted on occasionShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Physical And Human Geography Essay1152 Words   |  5 Pagesdifferences between physical geography, human (or cultural) geography, and regional geography. Give examples of each. A: The major difference between physical and human geography, is that physical geography exists without the presence of human beings, as where human geography is a byproduct of human activity on the earth. Regional geography is a study of both physical and human geography with in a specific spatial unit. Mountains, and oceans or seas are great examples of physical geography. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Alexander The Great The Most Successful Conqueror

Haden Stuart Professor Eric McLendon History 101 12 November 2014 Alexander the Great When people hear the word â€Å"conqueror† they may think of Genghis Khan, Napoleon, or maybe even Hitler, but when I hear the word, I always think of Alexander the Great. Alexander the great is arguably the most successful conqueror this world has ever seen. Now don’t get me wrong, there are many others that have been equally or maybe even more successful but there is just something about Alexander’s conquests that set him apart from others like him. Many think of him as just a warrior who fought nonstop but he did more than just fighting. During the 11 years of his almost non-stop campaigning in Asia (334-323), periods of rest and recreation were infrequent as he strove to achieve his ambitious aims, to the undoubted chagrin of his officers and troops; but one of his favorite means of relaxation was hunting (Cartledge). He was a genius in battle and also a genius in other subjects as well. He enjoyed danger and the thrill of the hunt. All a nd all he was a very interesting individual and was a remarkably smart strategist on the battlefield. Alexander was born in 356 B.C. in Pella, the Macedonian capitol. His parents were King Philip II of Macedonia and Olympias the princess of Epirus. According to tradition, Olympias ancestor was the mythical hero of the Iliad - Achilles, while his father, Philip II of Macedon, was said to descend from the Zeus son – Hercules (Popovic). Even before hisShow MoreRelatedHistory : Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, And Alexander The Great919 Words   |  4 PagesGenghis Khan, Julius Caesar, and Alexander the Great are successful conquerors in history. Genghis Khan a tyrant and a bloodthirsty villain during his period he conquered more territory than any other leader in history. Julius Caesar a great general that ever lived, he also knew how to elevate money for festivals and gifts. Lastly, Alexander the Great is a person who conquered many territories, had a large empire, formed the He llenistic culture, and became very successful. E.H Gombrich uses the topicRead MoreHayden Hawkinson . Mrs. Heflin. English 6 - 6. March 2,1143 Words   |  5 Pages2017 Alexander the Great â€Å"I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.† Alexander the Great is the smartest and fiercest military leader that has ever lived. His military wisdom and fierceness led him to being a great leader of Greece, conquering all of Asia Minor, conquering the Persian empire, and ruling the biggest empire the world had ever seen before 334 BC. This led him to being a great Greek leader, being a fierce conqueror, defeatingRead MoreDid Genghis Khan Be The Greatest Conqueror And Military Leader Of All Time?1635 Words   |  7 PagesCould Genghis Khan be the greatest conqueror and military leader of all time? 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Alexander the Great’s strong perseverance and incredible battle strategies led to increase his power over his empireRead MoreHistory of Conquerors1438 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the most important things Conquerors could do during ancient times was to find and claim land. Once the land had been taken, the conquerors would force the natives were forced to learn the culture of their new ruler and practice it. Unlike most conquerors, Alexander the Great would incorporate his Greek culture with the culture of the land that he conquered. When Alexander went to conquer Egypt in 332 BCE, he made an effort to try to learn and understand the Egyptian culture. By learning theRead MoreAlexander The Great Of The World1389 Words   |  6 PagesIt is of no doubt that Alexander the Great was one of the greatest conquerors the world has ever seen. At a very young age, he seized control of his father’s former Macedonian empire, and set forth to create his own. 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Capital Budgeting Decision and Analysis

Question: Discuss about the Capital Budgeting Decision and Analysis. Answer: The sensitivity analysis which is also known as what if analysis and stimulation analysis is considered very important for decision making as it tells us that whether the estimations are right or wrong. The sensitivity analysis is an approach made to determine how the values of an independent variable affect some other variable which is dependent on various situations are completely different. An analysis of the influence of decisions and its impact on different variable becomes very simple with the help of this approach. The analysts use it to determine how the change of one variable affects the other variables. The sensitivity analysis has a very limited scope. For example, the effect of change in the rate of interest. Relationship between sensitivity analysis and the capital budgeting techniques. It can be well understood with the help of the sensitivity analysis the various possible outcomes and whether the estimations made were correct or incorrect. Sensitivity analysis also helps us to know and measure the impact or the influence on the finances due to the changes in the estimations that were made. This analysis is a used as tool which has helped the managers to identify the reason for not achieving expected targets and helps them to take certain corrective steps to rectify the mistakes in future. Such steps help the company in improving and taking good decisions for the investments. It is not necessary that the estimations will match will the actual result. So in capital budgeting, Sensitivity analysis depicts the changes in the assumptions. This can be better explained with the help of an example; a company estimated that it would generate $700 each year for consecutive three years. A decision was taken by the investors to invest $2100 in the first year itself based on their expectations. However, the investors found that there was a change at the end of the first year. The expectations of the investors increased seeing the companys performance and it expected that the company would generate $1400 for the remaining two years. This would breakeven the investment in the second year itself. Therefore, it can be concluded that sensitivity analysis is very useful in determining the changes and its effects. Example of Sensitivity Analysis. A sales manager Mr. Zen was keen to know and understand the effect of more customers on sales. Based on the information he comes to know that the sales are a function of price and the transaction volume. In the previous year Mr. Zen sold 100 pieces of the goods, the selling price of each good was $1000. So, he could generate revenue of $100000. The sales managers finds out the customer behaviour and finally draws a conclusion that if the customers base is increases by 10% then the sales volume will also increase by 5%. We can say that any change in the customer base will affect the sales of the company. Such information is very useful in building a financial equation. The relevance of Sensitive analysis can also be understood with the help of this example. We know business has a dynamic nature and there are many uncertainties today. So, Scenario analysis works as an analytical tool which is useful for ascertaining the possible outcomes. This is an analytical tool and should not be regarded as a predictive mechanism. There are three scenarios which the analyst uses to identify the possible outcomes. They are best case, base case and worst case. The best case is the one in which it is assumed that everything will move in a correct manner and the worst case is just the opposite in which it is assumed that all the assumptions will be a failure. This makes the analyst proactive and he takes steps before there is a situation of worst case. The analyst does not know what exactly will happen but he gets the idea of the situations that may arise. Relationship between Scenario analysis with capital budgeting. In capital budgeting we make estimations which may differ from the actual outcome, in order to eliminate any kind of confusion in the process of decision making we extend the sensitive analysis to scenario analysis. In scenario analysis, one of the method is using the extreme situations. In case of Scenario analysis, a preventive step is already taken from before so that the results are positive. This is because the worst case and the base case can be compared with the base case. Comparision of Sensitive Analysis and Scenario Analysis. It is very important to look at different aspects of an investment plan to make a wise decision. This decision can be efficiently taken with the help of two tools namely Sensitive analysis and Scenario analysis. The two tools that are used are in no way similar to each other (Peterson Drake and Fabozzi, 2002). A sensitive analysis informs the investors about the uncertainties that may arise whereas the scenario analysis helps us to determine the different possible outcomes and its effects. Therefore, we can say that a scenario analysis may involve the use of sensitive analysis but it is not necessary that the sensitive analysis will involve the use of scenario analysis. The sensitive analysis is totally based on assumptions but the scenario analysis is a test which depicts all the possible outcomes. We can draw conclusion that Sensitive analysis and Scenario analysis both play a major role in preparing the best plan. It is very relevant for Capital Budgeting. It is not necessary that both the tools move in opposite direction, there are certain situations where both of them move in same direction also. These tools help the investors to prevent taking wrong decision and also provide them a mere idea of the future consequences. It makes them pro active and so they are able to stop themselves from taking wrong decisions. The analysts are greatly helped because of these tools which help them to analyse the uncertainties and take further steps to prevent it. If the outcomes are positive it also provides information about the field of improvement. Capital Asset Pricing Model and Capital Market Line. The capital asset pricing model is one of the most useful and famous methods of financial management which is used to calculate the required rate of return. The sensitivity of any particular asset to its unsystematic risk is taken into consideration with the help of this method. The unsystematic risk is also known as the non-diversifiable risk. The symbol that is used to denote risk is Beta. This Beta is the sensitivity of asset with respect to any movements happening in the market. Capital asset pricing model can be better understood with the help of the following equation. Re= Rf+(Rm-Rf) Re stands for the required rate of return, Rm stands for the returns from the market, Rf stands for risk free returns and Beta () is the risk. In order to understand this model more properly we first have to understand this equation and its components more properly. Risk free returns include returns from investment in government bonds and securities, these returns are the benchmark. The return in these kind of investments are generally low and only those people who are scared of taking risk invest in such bonds. Rf provides a little higher risk than Rf but only those people who are not risk averse invest in such securities. The rate of market index is easily determined with the help of Rm. Any movement in the market affect the returns on the asset is measured using Beta. These are all the components that are used to calculate the expected or required rate of return using capital asset pricing model. The efficient frontier to the capital asset pricing model is the capital market line. Any point on the capital market line shows the efficient portfolio which is made by using both return on market portfolio and risk free returns. The area which is below the capital market line is inefficient and will not let the investors get returns upto their expectations. Similarly, it is also not feasible for investors to invest their funds over the capital market line. Standard deviation is used to measure the risk involved in the investment. The capital market line is one of the most efficient line which helps the investors to determine the risk and ascertain the expected rate of returns. The main purpose is to show the allocation between the risk free return and risk market portfolio. An investor should analyse the degree of risk involved before taking any kind of investment decision. It is with the help of modern portfolio theory that how the investors can invest in risk free and weighted assets in order to get returns. We have also studied that with the increase in the risk the returns also increases. To understand this concept more properly, capital asset pricing model is used which helps the investors maintain a balance between the required rate of return and the existing market factors. There are a number of similarities between the capital asset pricing model and the capital market line (Bierman and Smidt, 1993). Both these model makes the decision making of the investors easier as it help them to measure the risk involved both in risk free and risk weighted assets. These theories are based on the same assumptions that all assets are correctly priced and that the market is in equilibrium. The theme of both these models is that the investors are considered rational and they invest is such a manner that the unsystematic risk is eliminated. The Beta covers the portion of systematic risk which is very relevant. Another similarity between both the models is that both of them are useful for calculating the market return for a portfolio mixed having the same factors. It is considered that all the investors have same expectations and all of them are considered rational. Now lets us understand the differences between the two models. We have already discussed about the fact that how capital asset pricing models help the investor balance is portfolios and capital market is one of the most prominent and efficient frontier to capital asset pricing model. Although the CML is majorly used for allocation of funds to make a perfectly balanced portfolio, the CAPM is used mostly for the purpose of security pricing. A capital market line is included in the capital asset pricing model whose slope is represented using the Sharpes ratio. The return earned per unit of risk taken is the Sharpes ratio. When we represent both the model in a single graph, then we can see that the capital asset pricing model covers a wide area as compared to the capital market line. The capital asset pricing model depicts all the possible combination of risk free and risk weighted assets to the investors whereas the capital market line shows the best possible combination available in th e CAPM. The CAPM model represents both the efficient and inefficient portfolios whereas the CML represents only the efficient portfolios. If we take a portfolio in a CAPM world we will see that it is not necessarily on the capital market line, this is because the capital asset pricing model is concerned only with systematic risk. The efficiency of the capital market line is comparatively more when compared with the that of capital market line. We can conclude that both the model move in same direction when it comes to investment management. There are many differences in the theories but these have a common theme which is used by the investors and the portfolio managers to maintain a balance which is according to the investors wish and his expectations. These models provide proper information to the investors so that they make a wise decision for the investment plan and achieve the expected returns. These models play a major role in capital budgeting and so is considered very relevant. References: Bierman, H. and Smidt, S. (1993). The capital budgeting decision. 1st ed. New York: Macmillan Pub. Co. Peterson Drake, P. and Fabozzi, F. (2002). Capital budgeting. 1st ed. New York, NY: Wiley.